RS-EDP Documentation Site

Spec Sheets

User Manual

Mapping Aids

Pin Allocation

Provided Software

Getting Started

IDE Software


Welcome to the RS-EDP Support Page

Please click on the links above to get the desired information.

For each RS-EDP CPU Module there is a Spec Sheet, a User Manual, a Mapping Aid, a Pin Allocation Spreadsheet and a Getting Started Guide. For the STR9 CPU Module there is also Integrated Development Environment (HiTOP), which needs to be downloaded and installed.

Each of the CPU Modules comes complete with some example software which can be downloaded from the Provided Software section.


The each Application Module there is a Spec Sheet, a User Manual, and a Mapping Aid. If the Application Module has a CPU on it, in the case of the MC2 Motor Drive module then this software is included in the Provided Software section.

