Discontinuation of echoCollect and echoChange (Last buy 15.04.2026)


this is to inform you about the discontinuation of our echocollect and echochange hardware and software products to be effective by 15.04.2026. All products listed in the appendix are going to be discontinued by this date. Please place an order for the required components by this date.

In the case that a last manufacturing process should not be feasible any more due to technical or commercial reasons, we will inform you and try to find a solution. If a solution cannot be found, we reserve the right to decline the order.

Components, which are available from stock, will be delivered right away.

Components, which must be assembled in a last manufacturing process, will be delivered at the estimated delivery date announced in the acceptance of order.

The regular product maintenance of the echocollect and echochange software will be ceased by 15.10.2027.
Maintenance work due to guarantee claims will be performed independent from that date according to the legal regulations.

We will continue to offer echocollect and echochange hardware repair on request depending on our possibilities and on the availability of hardware components.