NetXpert XG2 series comparison chart

Which of the NetXpert XG2 Series fits your needs? 

There are several options and a table seems the only logical way to display it

NetXpert XG2
FeaturesNetXpert XG2

NetXpert XG2

NetXpert XG2

NetXpert XG2

Active network test on CopperYYYY
Passive qualification test on CopperYYYY
Active network test on Fiber Optic (SM/MM)YYYY
Passive qualification test on Fiber Optic (SM/MM)Y   
Maximum speed:10Gbps10Gbps5Gbps1Gbps
Main unit:2111
Active remote unit:1111
Upgradeable to NetXpert XG2 - 2.5/5G   Y
Upgradeable to NetXpert XG2 - 10G  YY
Upgradeable to NetXpert XG2 - PLUS YYY
Compatible with Fiber MicroscopeYYYY
Compatible with Cable Probe (CP15)YYYY
Compatible with ID remote identifiersYYYY
Compliant to IEEE 802.3an Standards to support up to 10GbpsYYYY
Compliant to 802.3af/at/bt to support PoE/+/++ testingYYYY
Compliant to Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac to support Wi-Fi.YYYY
Generate graphical PDF reportsYYYY