Hitex engineering team were involved in development of an Arm based wearable for 3D motion capture for sports applications. The system involved multiple sensors distributed about the body, local processing, and transmission of data sets.
We combined two of our products to be part of a medical device. Using a CAN card from Softing and an Adlink CPU board, this formed the heart of the system
The system functions as a testing jig for an optical display system, set up via USB. It reports optical changes with sub-millisecond response times over UDP, utilising our Keil MDK USB/Ethernet Middleware.
We designed a starter kit for T1 suppliers for 4cylinder ECU, Using an AURIX TC275 main CPU
A development kit for Safety Critical applications, with multiple ports and FPGA monitoring. Using our experience with FPGAs we were able to make a flexible starter kit with high performance and safety at the core of the requirements